Dear churches of Zoe Ministry Church Network
I greet all of you with grace and peace in the name of God the Father and Jesus Christ. I realize how great the grace of God was as I look back into the year 2024. We had 20 conferences over the year. God manifested Himself in the new glory and has done great things in each conference. I believe this is God’s clear will to raise His remnant churches that prepare the return of the Lord in this end time. I give all the glory to the triune God who gave us tremendous grace. I also thank all the churches that devoted themselves to intercession for every conference.
The upcoming year, 2025, will undoubtedly be challenging for the world. However, for the remnant churches, it will be a time filled with even greater grace and the glory of God. The abundance of eternal kingdom of God will overflow in the body of Christ, both physically and spiritually. It will also be a great year in which the Zoe Ministry churches grow in unity and spirituality to fulfill God’s works. I believe God’s glory will fill all the conferences that will take place during the year.
When we come together as one body, intercede, and serve one another, the works of the enemy will be destroyed, and the kingdom of God will prosper even more through the Zoe Ministry Church Network. I pray that this will be a season of gratitude and joy as we close 2024 and step into 2025.
December 27, 2024
Rev. Minho Kim
President of the Zoe Ministry Church Network
Zoe Ministry Church Network
a coalition of
“And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.”
Ephesians 1:22-23
The Church, the body of Jesus Christ, is the kingdom of God being present on this earth. Zoe Ministry Church Network is a gathering, striving for the restoration of God’s glorious church like the Early Church in Acts.
In Zoe Ministry Church Network, the Truth System is restored by integrating the sixty-six books of the Bible. Moreover, all the spiritual gifts and the works of the Holy Spirit shown in the New Testament through healing and prophetic ministry, the communion of love, and powerful intercessory prayer meetings are all vibrantly present, even today.
When the truth, the Holy Spirit, and the precious blood of Jesus Christ work together, the church will restore its glorious image and that is the sole reason why we exist and continue to minister all over the world.
“…And there are two olive trees by it,
one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left.”
Zechariah 4:3
“And I will grant authority to my two witnesses…
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that
stand before the Lord of the earth.”
Revelation 11:3-4
Zoe Ministry Church Network
a coalition of churches preparing
We are living in the end times in which the Lord will return. The two witnesses, represented by the two olive trees and the two lampstands, refer to the coalition of the Remnant of Israel and the Gentiles.
The two witnesses are the voice calling out in the wilderness (Isaiah 40:9), preparing the way for the Lord’s return. In this generation, where even the churches are corrupt, we are being completely separated from the world, and the Remnant is rising up all around the world as the pure Bride.
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